Friday, February 22, 2008


Joey is such a darling.

As she grows older and is able to express more of herself, she becomes more and more of a darling to me. I guess there is always something very uniquely special between mother and daughter. There is this closeness that is hard to explain. Daddies, don't be jealous! Haha..

You know my daughter can be pretty rough sometimes when she plays, so when she accidentally hits me (and it's really very painful sometimes!!), she would suddenly have this 'compassionate' look in her eyes and she would ask me softly, 'Ok?' Then she would stroke and sayang me gently. (Awwwwww...)

In the middle of doing something, she would suddenly come to me and say in a very endearing manner, 'Mummmmmmyyyyy' and give me a big tight hug. (Awwwwww...)

Whenever I can, I would accompany her to sleep at night. I would lie down next to her and pretend to sleep as well, so that she would get to sleep faster. It used to be that she would want to hold my hand as she sleeps. That alone feels very sweet already. But recently, she developed a new habit of hugging me and patting me! Instead of me patting her to sleep, she insists on patting me instead, and in the process falls asleep herself. And she would hug me in such a way that my head is resting on her chest level. Haha... reversal of role... In any case, I don't mind cos I feel very loved by my daughter! She sure has a motherly nature... keke..

Everyone around me can testify that Joey is someone who will take initiative to ensure that everyone is taken care of. Whenever she is eating titbits like biscuits or cornflakes, she would pass one to everyone nearby her. And she doesn't do it just once. She will eat one herself, then start pass out one by one till everyone is 'fed', then she would eat another one herself and start the process again. She seems to enjoy taking care of people!

I am starting to feel that daughters are so close to the hearts of mothers and I thank God for giving me such a lovely daughter!

It warms my heart everytime I see Joey.. =)

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