Monday, February 10, 2014

Review: OSIM uShape

Sponsored Review
I’ve had an amazing Chinese New Year this year. One of the main reasons was that I was guilt-free from snacking on my favorite CNY goodies all because of THIS:
Yes, it’s the legendary OSIM uShape! This is a full-body vibration exerciser that helps to burn off calories without exhaustive effort. That sounds like a perfect tool for me because (1) I need to burn off calories and (2) I want to do it without any effort at all. On normal days, I can already do with less calories and a trim body. And now with all the feasting done over the Chinese New Year season, I am just glad that the OSIM uShape is here to give me a hand, to shed off those extra pounds I’ve put on.
Now, don’t tell me that I should have exercised self-control and restricted myself to only ‘a few pieces’ of pineapple tarts or a mere slice of ‘bak kwa’ during the Chinese New Year. The truth is, we all tend to over eat when we are in a happy and joyous mood, and feasting with our loved ones is part of the fun! I’ve lost count of the number of slices of bak kwa, pineapple tarts and all kinds of other CNY goodies I’ve consumed both at home and in friends’ home. Not to mention, I’ve already done 6 ‘Lou Hei’ to-date! With the uShape, I could indulge in the CNY goodies guilt-free – I just had to make sure that I work off those calories after all the feasting!
Perhaps you think I was exaggerating. But because I’m such a nice person, I’ll let you in on the calories all those CNY goodies contain, just so that you know how much you should be exercising now after all the damage has been done. The truth is, all the festive binging (and the deskbound lifestyles for many of us) can result in poor circulation from inactive muscles, and piling on weight & fats can also lead to health issues. Movement and exercise are thus the key to strengthening  those muscles and improving circulation and flexibility.
If you dislike high impact exercises such as running or jogging like me, the OSIM uShape is possibly the simplest way for us to lose those excess weight and fats. Not only is it compact, burning calories on the uShape requires minimal effort on our part. I hate to admit this, but this is an awesome idea for lazy people like me! I’ve lost count of the number of times I planned to go for a jog but didn’t do so in the end. But ever since the uShape arrived in my house, I’ve done my routine on it every night without fail. Of course, it helps a lot that I can do it while watching TV. =P
Admittedly, I am not the only one excited over the OSIM uShape in my house. Apart from me, there are two little girls who couldn’t stop jumping up and down in joy when the uShape got delivered. Apparently, they’ve seen it in the malls and tried it (way before I did, yes). They probably have no idea what this wonder machine can do in terms of weight loss but they sure think it’s a fun toy and refused to get off!
The OSIM uShape is so easy to use that even kids can operate it with ease. It comes with a remote control for wireless control, and you can choose from a total of 9 convenient full-body workouts (3 auto programmes x 3 standing positions) and 10 levels of oscillation intensities to suit your needs. Their manual function also offers the flexibility of customising your workout the way you want it. Choose from a manual selection of 10 speeds for a high frequency, high efficiency calorie-burning workout. For those of you who prefer the challenge, there are advanced moves to achieve higher efficiency workout!
Since the kids refused to get off the OSIM uShape, I got them to demonstrate the different positions you can adopt when using it. All these are spot training that helps to target specific muscle groups and we can effectively tone and shape flabby spots such as the arms, tummy, butt and thighs! Ahhhhhh! That’s totally what I need!
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The OSIM uShape also comes with two resistance cords that can intensify your workout routine and provide for a more challenging workout. While the vibration function of the uShape loosens up your fats, you can tone up your arms concurrently with the resistance cords – Full body workout FTW!
There are so many benefits of the OSIM uShape:
· Simple, fast and effective shaping and toning of the whole body
· Increase metabolism to accelerate the break down of fats
· Low-impact all-in-one workout
· Strengthen muscles, improve balance and flexibility
· Reduce appearance of cellulite
· Improve circulation
· Relieve stress, improve mood and soothe muscle tension
· Effective indoor exerciser in the convenience and comfort of your home
I am glad that I can now exercise and burn off my calories on the OSIM uShape in the comfort of my home while watching TV or listening to my favorite songs - It seriously cannot get any easier than this. I am surely one step closer to a more trim & lean body this year! Only one question remains though:

See what we think of the OSIM uHip here.
For those of you planning to get an OSIM uShape, check this out: True Fitness instructors will be demonstrating uShape workouts at various venues around Singapore. With their expert guidance, you can learn the best moves to do on the uShape for maximum effect. For the latest update of demo schedule, check out To complement the calories busting regime, OSIM is giving away a Xndo Half Calories Meal, Black Pepper Fish and Milk Tea, worth $21.90 with every purchase of uShape. Also, do check out OSIM’s latest uShape workout video and see how easy it is to get into shape! The OSIM uShape retails at S$1288, but there is a CNY special rate of S$699. Grab yours before the promotion ends!