Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My Girl Is Growing Up!

Moving on, I have decided to promote my girl from Nursery to Playgroup! It seems that it's a better environment for her, cos Nursery 3's kids are all younger than her, and she is always 'terrorising her'. The toys in Playground seem to appeal to her much better, and she does not bully the other kids because she can tell they are her peers. Haha..

There was even a boy who refuse to let her snatch one of the toys away, and she decided to cry instead. Nope, I am not a sadist, but I think it is good that she knows she can't get her way ALL THE TIME by pushing and snatching it from the hands of another kid. =)

There are activities lined up for the kids in Playground, unlike Nursery. There are song & movements, story-telling, handicraft and best of all, snacktime at the end. Maybe Joey's not used to it yet, but most of the time, she doesn't participate. She either stares at everyone dancing or looks around very bewilderedly. In the middle, she even gets bored and tells me she wants to go out. The only time she would walk right up to the teacher is during snack time. Haha.. Well, never mind, take some time...

After service while I was doing BS duty, Joey had a mega good time with Nicole. They were like 2 long-lost friends and they went all crazy running here & there, and doing weird actions together. They kept laughing and laughing and one moment, they were running toward 'dunno where', and the next, they were hugging each other. Really amusing, I tell you. And I was super surprised too, cos they are 'fighting buddies' in the office nursery. When Nicole sees Joey come near, she would instinctively say, 'No.... This is mine!' (ya, it's that bad)

Running here & there....

Nicole started this 'stare at the ceiling' action and the both of them went around like that for a good 10 mins...

They even shared a snack together...

Cheeky Nicole refused to look at me no matter how I called her.. She insisted on doing her 'stare-at-the-ceiling- act!

It's actually a very happy & good feeling seeing Joey having fun with her 'friends' and not fighting or snatching toys for a change. =D

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