Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Wonderful Two

As you all know, Joey is now approaching the Wonderful Two age. As she grows in her wisdom and understanding, she is also growing in her knowledge of getting done her way. That, of course, is just putting it in a very nice way. What I really mean is that she will do every irritating thing just to get her way.

And so, she recently started on the 'I want! I want! I want! I want! I want! I want! (X500 times) tactic. When she wants something and we don't give it to her, she will start her repeating chant of 'I wants' in amazing precision & speed. Trust me, in a public place, this is so NOT FUNNY at all.

If it's not 'I want!', she will go on the 'I want nen nen' chant (Read: nen nen is milk). And she has this weird habit of asking for nen nen the moment we board a taxi, even though she just drank one whole bottle before we left the house. And this chanting of 'I want nen nen' from the start of the journey till the end of it, often leaves the mummy (that is me) and the taxi uncle very traumatised indeed.

She & her friend, Nicole. Kids nowadays are so talented. You tell them that you are taking a photo of them, and they purposely give you the very cool poses.

This clever girl of mine has also mastered the art of putting her finger to her lips and telling people, 'shhhhhhh' (ie, keep quiet). I had taught her that action because I wanted her to know when to keep quiet. While I was still feeling happy to myself that my daughter picks up things so fast, she just did that action to me just now when I was gently singing a song to coax her to sleep. @#$$#%^$&%&^%

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