Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fried Macaroni

Tried this dish today, and it smells really nice. =)

Used the macoroni from Marks & Spencer

Season some minced chicken with 1 teaspoon of light soya sauce..

Chop very finely 3 to 4 mushrooms

Boil the macoroni and throw in 3 to 4 stalks of broccoli and carrot flowers to cook at the same time..

After about 10 mins, scoop out the broccoli and chop finely..

Next, fry the minced meat. I was amazed that I could actually stir fry the meat without adding a single drop of oil! Just need to keep stirring over very low heat.

Once the meat are cooked, add in a teeny weeny bit of dark soya sauce

Add in the mushrooms and broccoli and keep stir frying. Add in the macoroni finally and viola, the fried macoroni is done!

Packed into 2 portions for Joey to bring to the office nursery. Carrot flowers on top as decor.. Note: They are supposed to be carrot Pac Man.. hahaha)

Still have some leftovers after packing, so I added in more soya sauce and chopped chilis and it became my breakfast this morning.. =D

Let me end off with photos of Joey monkeying around while waiting for our cab this morning!

Happy Wednesday, my friends! =D

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