Friday, May 23, 2008

Alone For The First Time

I admit I feel jittery about it.

This morning, I sent Joey to the 1st trial lesson for Stage 2 of the childcare centre. Previously, I always stayed with her cos the trial lessons were only an hour lasting from 10am to 11am. But for stage 2, they are moving on to age-specific classes, so this one that Joey is attending is for 2 - 3 years old, and has more activities such as music, painting, etc. Lesson will be from 10am to 12pm, and since it's my working day, I decided to leave Joey there while I come back to office first. The teacher, Ruby, whom Joey is familiar with, will bring her back to office later.

I really hope that everything will go smoothly and Joey will not start looking for me. The only time she can be independent without me is in office nursery because she is very familiar with the 2 caregivers. But anywhere else, she would look for me and scream & cry if I am not around. For today, she is at least with a teacher she knows, so hopefully she will just enjoy herself painting. When I prep talked her this morning, she seemed quite okay with the idea that Mummy is leaving first and she will come back to office later. *fingers crossed*

If she manages to survive this well, this will be a notable milestone and I think when I finally send her to school proper, it's going to be slightly easier. I will update you what happens later when she is back! =D

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