Monday, June 23, 2008

A Day of Feasting

Brought Joey out to walk walk around evening today and also to use off my Aldo vouchers. It was very much a day of feasting for Joey.. And of course, Joey enjoyed herself cos she LOVES to eat.. :)

Went to Toast Box at City Hall, while waiting for Isaiah to finish work and meet us..

Wahh... check out the thick thick peanut toast! Very yummy!!!

Their steamed yam cake was very nice too.. =)

Look at her.. Happily eating away! heeee...

Then Isaiah arrived and we went for dinner. Guess what Joey had??

Pepper Lunch Express! Beef rice..

But of course she didn't eat the whole thing herself lah... She shared with Isaiah but ate at least half a bowl of the beef rice.

Then after dinner, we decided to go for Selegie Tau Huay!

Joey really likes soya bean milk... =D

So you see... Joey may be small in size, but her appetite is HUGE!


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