Saturday, July 19, 2008

Beautiful Moments Of Being A Mummy

Who else but my darling daughter? She is really someone who brightens up my life. =D

This morning, I was cutting some dragonfruits for her in the kitchen and she was just watching me cut the fruits quietly. Then all of a sudden, she went, '谢谢, Mummy'. I didn't respond the first time round. Then she said again, '谢谢, Mummy'. So I replied, 'You're welcome..' Then after a while, she went again, '谢谢, Mummy'.. She actually said it for 5 or 6 times while waiting for me to cut the fruits.

It's not the first time she said '谢谢, Mummy', but what touched my heart was that she really said it as if she meant it with all her heart. I could have just melted there and then. =)

One of those beautiful moments of being a mummy.

This reminded me of something that happened some time back. There was once Joey was not feeling well and I pushed her out in a stroller to buy some food. On the way back, she suddenly turned her head over to stare at me without moving. I asked her what she's doing, and she went in a very sincere tone, '我要看Mummy'.. How sweet. :)

Another of those beautiful moments of being a mummy.

It's a joy watching her grow up. From a super chubby baby with eyes that could hardly open wide enough, she has grown into a beautiful charming toddler now, with lots of people who loves her.

You know, all those things they write in books about how to be a good mummy actually don't work all the time. It's the BEING a mummy that really makes me realise how to do it well. Then of course, there're still much room for improvement. Sometimes I think I am too 'heck-care' a mother. I don't fret if my daughter cries or falls down. I am definitely not the over-protective kind of mother. I feel it's better for her to go through the ups and downs in life, so that she can learn to be independent. But of course, if I can help it, I'd like to minimise the 'downs' as far as possible la. =)

She's becoming so creative you know. Just this morning, she was rocking in her wooden horse, and she went to sing her own version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The only word in her lyrics is '马', so she went 马马马马马马马 to the tune of the song. Haha.. we all laughed when we heard her song!

Joey is so cute.

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