Monday, August 25, 2008

Paper Plate Painting!

I've started my first project with Joey after being inspired by Isaac's mum's blog!

Paper Plate Painting!

Well, the truth is I can't find her drawing board, so can't find paper for her to paint on. So I gave her paper plates instead. =) Better too, since it's thicker.

After she saw me using my finger to dip the paint and stamp on the paper plate, she also followed suit. She's pretty much in a 'Monkey see, Money do' stage now.. =D

If you think my girl doesn't mind mess, you are wrong! Everytime the paint gets on her hands or clothes or even on the table and floor, she will whince! I got to keep reassuring her that it's ok and we can clean up after we finish painting. Aiyo...

This activity is fuss-free and a sure-hit... so I am sure I will do it again, maybe with different drawing materials. :)

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