Monday, September 29, 2008

She Is Day Toilet Trained!

That's good news eh? :)

Finally, Joey's toilet-trained during the daytime. At the beginning, she would sometimes 'leak' urine in her panties when we are training her, cos she kinda forgot she's not on diapers, and when she wanted to urinate, the first few moments she would forget she needs to go to the toilet to do it. But the moment the urine comes out, she suddenly remembered, and she would then go to the toilet to finish up her business. But that also means that we got to keep changing her panties everytime it leaks. Troublesome.

By now, she will always remember to go to the toilet when she wants to urinate. She would sometimes just go to the toilet without telling us. When I suddenly remembered that she has not been to the toilet for quite a while and I asked her, she would tell me that she's just been to the toilet. No more leaks! *happy happy*

At night, she still wears diapers to sleep of course. My MIL tells me that at the beginning stage of training her not to wear diapers even at night, I would have to wake up at 3am just to wake her up to go toilet. At least for a period of time. And be prepared to have bed wetting happen a few times before success beckons. Oh well, that's the next stage.

That day when I brought her to longkang fishing, I even took a step of faith and brought her out without diapers! keekeke... no accidents at all, thank God. But I must admit, on the MRT trip, I was rather nervous. =P I kept asking her if she wants to urinate so that at least I can let her wear her pull-up pants just in time. Still, everything went rather smoothly. :)

This is an important milestone in Joey's life! I pray that she will be completely toilet trained pretty soon! =D

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