Monday, February 16, 2009

What Joey Learnt From School

OK some update on how Joey's doing in school!

Mornings are much easier nowadays, and I am amazed at how the 'if I don't go now, my boss will scold me' excuse still works every time. Haha....

Joey is pretty vocal about her school life, so it's possible to imagine how her daily life is just based on what she tells me. She would tell me that her favorite teacher is Teacher Janet, and how her classmate Gwen has got the same slippers as her. She could also name a few of her classmates (mostly boys), even the japanese boy called Teiru. Hahaha... There is also an ang moh boy in her class, so it's pretty well mixed with different nationalities.

She brought home a clear folder the other day, and inside was some exercises that she did in school. Quite interesting, the stuffs that pre-schoolers actually do... :)

Even something as basic as following dotted lines needs to be learnt. It's something adults all take for granted!

Chinese New Year happened so long ago, but up till today, she still sings the '每条大街小巷。。 每个人的嘴里。。。 恭喜恭喜恭喜你啊。。。 恭喜恭喜恭喜你!I was so amazed at how accurate her pronounciation was! She learnt that song during the CNY season in school.... =D

The latest thing she learnt and 'taught' me today was how to sit 'apple sauce'. I was bewildered when she told me she will tell me a story ONLY IF I sit 'apple sauce' (makes no sense mah!) Apparently, to sit 'apple sauce' means to sit cross legged. How was I supposed to know that??!!!! I think it must be a game she played in school.

I am learning new things everyday.............

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