Friday, March 20, 2009

Both Mummy & Baby Are Sick

I think this is the first time I fell sick together with Joey. It’s really a terrible feeling, I tell you.


Both of us are down with very high fever, and although Joey’s fever subsides after medication, she will have occasional diarrhea. A bit concerned whether it’s Rotavirus, so although she’s seen a doctor, maybe we should bring her to see Dr YY Yip at Gleneagles tomorrow after my gynae check up.

It’s terrible because I wish I can just lie down and sleep all the time, but I still got to attend to Joey because her temperature may shoot up anytime.

Just early this morning at 4am, her temperature went up to as high as 39.7 degrees that I had to insert a ‘bullet’ up her anus to bring the temperature down quickly. It’s my first time, and I am amazed at how easily it’s done! The anus practically sucks in the ‘bullet’ the moment I inserted it gently. I had imagined that I probably got to push it in. =P

Anyway, do say a simple prayer for us when u read this ya? I hate to be sick, and it’s been so long since I last fell this sick. Cough and cough till my throat is almost bleeding. sigh….


  1. Poor Joey... I did the bullet thing for my Jay too when he was down with high fever. Not as hard as I imagined, but I seriously hate it nonetheless. Haha! There's a proper name for it ya? For the life of me... Cant recall still. LOL!

  2. Is there a proper name?? Hahaha.. I think the doctor didn't even bother to mention, knowing I probably won't remember it anyway! He just referred to it as the 'bullet' which was what I understood as too! kekekeke..
