Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kicking Jayne!

I am in my 7th month of pregnancy (I think), and Baby Jayne has already proven herself to be an even more hyper kid than Jie Jie Joey! (I know it's hard to imagine)

Starting from my 6th month of pregnancy, Baby Jayne has already started her kicks in my tummy. Now, she moves almost every minute of the day, and when she does, it's vigorous!! Last night, there was even one kick that made me go, 'Ah!' It was one hard kick, I tell ya!

Will Baby Jayne be an even more active kid than Jie Jie Joey?

Then again, I recall that Joey was very mild when she was in my tummy. There were the usual kicks, but they were gentle most of the time, and she likes to shift her leg (presumably) across my tummy that I could literally see the action from right to left side of my tummy. Baby Jayne, however, has a preference to stick her foot on one part of my tummy and hold it there! There are times I pushed her foot away, and she will shift it away, then stick it back there again after a while. haha.. how's that for an interaction with an unborn baby?

My previous gynae commented many times that Joey was a very sleepy baby in my tummy. But look at her now!!!

Maybe Baby Jayne is active in my tummy now, but when she comes out, she will be a very gentle & soft-spoken girl??

(I can always hope and dream right?)

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