Saturday, April 25, 2009


That’s how heavy Baby Jayne is now! =D

I was kinda worried because at my last gynae visit 2 weeks ago, Baby Jayne was calculated to weigh 1.9kg. Rather small for a 32-week-old foetus. When they plotted her growth graph, I could see that she was slightly below average size. Not good at all.

Thank God when we went for my check-up this morning, Baby Jayne has gained much more and is now exactly the size she should be at 36 weeks. Catching up! My weight has also increased to 59kg, which is good. :) I was afraid that I wasn’t putting on enough weight. I remembered for Joey, I weighed 60+ kg near to delivery time. So when my weight has been climbing very slowly and little this time round, I am really concerned that I was eating enough to provide nutrients for Baby Jayne. Thank God no need to worry anymore! :)

I told Dr Fong today that in the last one week, I’ve got several strangers coming to me and asking me whether I was carrying a boy, because my tummy looked like it. Quite frankly, I encountered so many asking that it got me paranoid - ‘What if it’s a BOY afterall??’ How am I going to adjust myself mentally?? What name to give to a baby boy? Do we have to rush out to buy new clothes suitable for boys?? HOW WAS I GOING TO EXPLAIN TO JOEY THAT IT’S GONNA BE DI DI INSTEAD OF MEI MEI????” All the thoughts freaked me  out.

Dr Fong was amused at my question, ‘Now then you ask me whether I am sure it’s a girl????!!’, then went to take a closer look at my ulltra-sound scan. His conclusion was, ‘You can start collecting bets from your friends. If it’s a boy, I’ll compensate them 10 to 1. Hahahaha..’

Yep, he is THAT sure. kekekeke…

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