Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jayne Is 7 Days Old

This morning both Jayne & I went back to Gleneagles for our check-ups. Thank God everything went very well. My wound is healing very fast and Jayne’s jaundice is also recovering well.

On the whole, Jayne is a much more alert baby compared to Joey. Joey didn’t even open her eyes more than 10 times throughout her 1st month! She was just sleepy all the time. And we even had to ask her PD what should we do to get her to open her eyes. Turned out her fluid balance inside the brain needed some time to adjust, so she didn’t open her eyes much till after her 1st month. Those of you who attended Joey’s baby shower could testify that she slept throughout the party!

Jayne, on the other hand, opened her eyes immediately when she was taken out of my womb. There are also many waking moments after her feeds. She generally likes to look around, though she can’t see far now.

Took many photos of Jayne on the way to the hospital because she was real alert!




Such an innocent angelic face. :)



Yawning is a common action now..




Told you she loves to smile….


DSC04631      I am very blessed to have 2 beautiful girls in my house. =D


  1. jayne is very cute... seems like she got bigger eyes orh! haha... =)

    seems like i so long never see her.... but it is only 1 week ago & she changed a lot!

  2. Mmm ya lor,think she got bigger eyes.. haha, face got change ah? I cannot tell leh.... =P

  3. Sweeeeet! She is so cute leh!

    And your thots on the age gap for #1 and #2 has definitely got me thinking too! :)

  4. Oh my ....she is so cute!!!

    Good thing u wrote that u have been updating this site...

    I was wondering why no news from u for so the link from my blog is to klessis n not J babies

    Congrats on your new addition!

  5. San: I know how it feels.. when I see my friends having another kid, I am very tempted to have another one myself too! Newborns are just so cute..

    Ed: Oh really ah? Haha.. I generally update Jbabies more than my personal blog..
