Friday, May 29, 2009

A Poo-ing Marathon

Poo-ing: An act of excreting bodily wastes

Marathon: A long, extended race or event

Bet you have not heard of this marathon before eh?

Jayne was discharged from the hospital on Monday morning, and for 2 whole days at home, she did not poo at all. Drank lots of milk, and passed a lot of wind, but just no poo. We got a little concerned and asked Dr Yip about it when we brought her back for the post-natal checkup on Wed. Dr Yip said that she should be poo-ing soon in a day or two and we should not be too worried about it.

True enough, she started to poo on Wed night itself, and she never really stopped. That night, I think she poo-ed no less than 5 times! The whole night, I was just changing her diapers, feeding her, changing her diapers, feeding her (cos after a poo, the baby usually gets hungry).

The marathon did not end there. It continued the next day on Thursday, and almost every time we change her diapers, there’s poo there. It got to a point where I got pretty amazed at how many times she had poo-ed. I was not really worried because her poo was not watery at all, so it’s not diarrhea.

Either she had stored up too much poo in the two days that she did not poo, or her digestive systems were just too good. She could poo after every feed! My MIL said it’s normal for babies on full breastfeed to poo after every feed because breast milk is easily digestible, but for Jayne, her main source of milk still came from formulas, so it's really quite amazing.

I have no idea when the marathon might end. =P

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