Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday Is Church Day

On the Sunday that just passed, Jayne wore a new romper to church! Check out the words on her romper! wee wee!



This is her 4th time in church attending service. The last 3 times were a breeze! She slept through the whole service, and I even had to wake her up to drink milk. But the most recent time, she kept fussing and didn’t really sleep until the 2nd half of the service. Still, I must say she’s a very well-behaved baby who’s able to sleep even when there’s loud music going on. :)

Even during the last 2 cell group meetings we’ve had at our place, she also slept throughout the whole meeting in the bedroom while we had CG in the living room. I just check on her from time to time. Not bad eh?





Feel like pinching her cheeks. =D

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