Monday, August 03, 2009

Moses’ Basket Saved The Day

Did someone say before that birth rate is dropping??!

I DOUBT IT! Just see how CROWDED the whole nursery was at the CHC’s 20th Anniversary service yesterday!


Fire regulations state that the nursery can only accommodate 150 adults & babies, so many parents & babies were turned away simply because the nursery could accommodate no more. The whole place was just too jam packed.

When I reached one hour before service started, almost the entire nursery was packed. Thank God I managed to find one available Moses’ Basket right at the back of the room who literally saved the day! Baby Jayne slept in it throughout the 5 hours we were inside the room, except for feeding times. Otherwise, I can’t imagine how much my arms would ache if I had to carry her throughout!


There were obviously not enough beddings, Moses’ Baskets and floor mattresses to go around since the whole church’s parents & babies were gathered in that one small room! So you can see mums laying their cloth sarongs, diaper cloths, blankets and anything they could find, so that their babies have a spot to lie on. The whole floor was just filled with babies! I don’t even have to go into how noisy the whole place was – Babies crying and barely-walking toddlers screaming while the service was blast broadcasted in the room. It was one fine sight!

During the interval time between the 2 services, the whole nursery was even filled with food smells! Babies were eating their cereals, porridge, rice, soup, and parents were trying to catch a quick bite. I think the nursery is no less happening than what’s going on outside in the main hall. =P

I must say the nursery ministry did a wonderful job! There were helpful nursery workers around to help play with the young toddlers, and they help to look after the babies while the mums wash the milk bottles or make a quick trip to the toilet. Some of them also stood guard at the stairways to make sure babies don’t accidentally crawl off boundaries. The whole place was crowded and messy, but I must say it’s as organized a mess as possibly so! :)

Thank God for a nursery set up for our use, otherwise we probably can’t even have a place to sit & watch the service, and yet feel at ease with our kids making noise without disturbing the whole service. And of course, not forgetting the Moses’ Basket which saved the day! =D


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