Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CNY 2010 Special Edition: Our Last Day In KL

We cramped many, many programs into our last day in KL. Early in the morning, we visited my mum’s mother’s grave, visited 3 aunties and went to the Malaysian Zoo! It was a full & packed day!

My kids have never met my Grandmother. She passed away about 6 years ago.

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We cleared the weeds, put in fresh flowers and got my girls to greet my Grandma. She was such a wonderful lady.

Then we went to my mum’s eldest sister’s place to visit her. I brought the kids’ swimsuits along, but too bad we didn’t have time for them to swim.


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  Adjourned to my Dad’s sister’s house and we had lots of fun there because she had a mini fruit plantation in the big field behind her house! She planted papayas, pineapples, passion fruits, sugar canes and lots of flowers. For the lunch she cooked for us, she used papayas in one of her dishes and made us real cooling passion fruit drink! How nice to have a personal garden full of goodies!


This is chili padi before it’s ripe.


It was like a botanical lesson for Joey!





Sugar canes!


This is the Aunt… she even cut down a sugar cane for us to bring back home! =)



We also had fresh pineapples! Really sweet!


Not far from the house, we spotted a playground, and it was Joey’s first time seeing a see-saw!!


I was super excited to see a see-saw too because many of the new playgrounds in Singapore no longer has it! And this one was made from a whole wooden plank!


So fun, you know?!! =D


I had so much fun, I refused to let her get down. Haha…


Thank God many people helped me carry Baby Jayne here and there. This is another of my dad’s sister! :)



After a heartwarming home-cooked lunch, we left for the zoo! You must be wondering what we were thinking about, visiting the zoo under a 38 degrees scorching hot weather?? The thing is because my cousin runs the mini-tram and titbit store business within the zoo, and she could bring us all into the zoo free of charge and bring us around. Malaysia’s zoo is MASSIVE.


Every visitor must wear a band around the wrist as their entrance ticket.


We made it for the 3pm animal show and Joey was immediately treated to ice-cream & soft drinks (Don’t forget my cousin is the boss of all the shops in the zoo!).



   After the animal show, my cousin came driving a mini-tram and drove us around the zoo wherever we wanted to go! Seriously, I felt like I was the owner of the zoo! Everywhere we went, we were chauffeured in a private mini-tram and every shop we passed by, we could just pick up any drink or titbit we wanted without paying! Haha!



Joey had so much fun!! =D Me too!

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