Friday, March 05, 2010

Her Fashion Sense…… *:*

While I know I ought to give my kids ample room to develop her creativity, it’s getting harder nowadays, believe me.

Her obsession with the Disney Princesses is getting on my nerves, slowly but surely. Every book she wants me to read to her involves one of the princesses (usually Snow White); Every DVD she watches involves one of the princesses too (Cinderella or Snow White), and now she even insists on wearing this everyday. And I mean, EVERYDAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

See the air of confidence in her when she’s wearing her fav dress?


This is just a very simple one-piece pink dress with all the princesses printed on it. Incase you do not know, they are Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Jasmine and Ariel!


Don’t misunderstand me – I didn’t buy this dress because I like it. In fact, I thought it’s hideous. Any attire with cartoon characters on it is hideous. But what to do when my kid loves it so??! We were walking in the market (Yes, market!) and passed by this shop that sells all kinds of  cartoon character tees and dresses. Ekkks! Since it only costs $7, I bought it for her seeing she liked it so much.

From that day onwards, she’s insisted on wearing that dress every moment when she’s at home, and even when she’s sleeping! My MIL had no choice but to wash it and dry it everyday so that when she comes back from school everyday, she can wear it. =.= By the way, it used to be this Dora T-shirt that Gerald & Kristie bought for her.

26 Nov 081

She’s moved on since.

Now, if she wears it at home and she likes it, there’s no problem about it at all. The problem comes when she wants to wear that dress to church!

You should see Papa Isaiah’s expression when he heard that.

Haha! He immediately marched Joey into her room, made her take the dress off and put on something decent for church. Funny!

Thank God Papa Isaiah doesn’t like it too, because I cannot imagine bringing her to church in that dress. Too hideous for me. I won’t know where to hide.

In her opinion, however, the dress is GORGEOUS & BEAUTIFUL. And she feels like a princess wearing all the princesses on her. Oh well.


As long as she doesn’t step out of the house in that, I’m cool.

P/S: Now Joey girl, when you read this post in 18 years’ time, remember to thank your mum and dad for saving you from a potential fashion disaster. You’re most welcome. :)


  1. muahahahahah this is so funny cos my girls are like that exactly!
    I find this strangely comforting :)
    Keep Blogging!

  2. Haha yeh! All mummies with girls will agree with us too!!!
