Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Memories At Old Ford Factory

Last Saturday, we brought the girls to the Old Ford Factory museum, located at Bukit Timah area. For the girls, it’s stuffs they’ve never seen before, way before their time of course.

As the name implies, this used to be an old Ford factory, assembling famous Ford cars. Now, it’s been converted into a mini museum documenting the Japanese Occupation, in particular, the Surrender of the Japanese.


At the entrance area, there was a photo gallery of how Old Ford Factory had evolved to what it is today.


At the ticketing area was a display of historical books on the Japanese Occupation for free browsing. I had a feeling it was going to be an enriching history lesson already!




As we stepped into the museum, we were welcomed with various exhibits – Actual items from the Japanese that were preserved.

Bicycles were the most common transportation mode in those days.


Retro cameras


Machine guns. Yes, those were violent times.


Tickets and coupons issued by the Japanese for commoners to purchase daily necessities. The supplies were controlled and given only to those who obeyed.


Reputedly the exact room where the Japanese signed the surrender papers.


Quite frankly, as we walked through the exhibition, I started to wonder if it was suitable for my children. The brutal truth of what happened during the Japanese Occupation was heart-wrenching and very saddening. There were many paintings and pictures drawn by the people who went through and survived the Japanese Occupation, and I almost teared reading the stories, especially of those involving babies being tortured. =(

The following is a real photograph of a massacre of the Chinese men, supposedly those who refused to obey.


This is a picture painted by the man below. He shared stories of how he witnessed babies and children being tortured to death by the Japanese soldiers. They flung the babies into the air so that they will land on the sharp blades at the tips of their guns, then laughed in amazement. I also read another story about soldiers who pierced the children through their rectum and swing them around to play while the children screamed in pain. Too scary and unimaginable. =(



My ever-inquisitive Joey asked me what the painting is about and I thought I might as well teach her something. So I told her that the soldiers would do very bad things and kill innocent children and people during war time, and that violence does not solve the problem. Instead, it would cause lots of pain and sadness. I thought Joey looked very solemn after that. Hopefully it’s not too much for her to take. =P

This other painting is about a whole family including 2 young children who were tied to trees and died from hunger after 4 without food. All they did was to unknowingly bought cloth that were stolen. =( My heart was so heavy as I read story after story. I couldn’t believe those were real things that really happened.


Thank God those brutal times were over and now most countries in the world know that violence cannot solve anything. Jesus is the salvation and the answer to this world. Let’s move on to something happier!

Banana Money!


Wedding dress of that generation


A simple Japanese lesson


Water pump


Toilet chair, literally.. I pity the one clearing the bucket below…



To Joey, these are alien objects. Haha!


Baby Jayne doesn’t understand anything yet, of course… But it’s always good to start young!


Marriage certificate! =D


Japanese/Mandarin dictionary


Tinted window panes featuring different important people in that generation.. people who made a difference..


I was impressed with their washrooms. So colorful!


We paid $1 for this dice, then we went outside the museum to play a giant Snakes & Ladder which was on the ground right outside the museum entrance.


Nice touch to the place for children. =)


If you’re interested to visit the Memories at Old Ford Factory, check out the rates below! Very affordable, I would say. :)



351 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 588192

Opening Hours:

Mondays to Saturdays, 9.00am to 5.30pm,

Sundays, 12.00pm to 5.30pm