Thursday, April 01, 2010

Here’s Why I Wished I Had Jayne Earlier

Just a few days ago when we were rotting resting at home, the girls started playing the cooking game. You see, my Joey pretty much still sees herself as the Cooking Mama Joey.

I thought what a fine idea it would be to let the 2 sisters play the cooking game together. After all, isn’t that what sisters do??? Awesome to the max. The most suitable game for little girls on earth in my opinion.

And so, I let Baby Jayne crawl towards the kitchen scene and waited excitedly for her to pick up the wok and start cooking together with Cooking Mama Joey. Joey was already cooking up a storm, I tell ya.


But alas, things did not go as my imagination. Baby Jayne did not pick up then wok and start cooking. She did not start putting different ingredients into the pot and pretend to cook a stew. None of those awesome stuffs that little girls do.


It’s in times like these when I wished my kids were closer in age.

* * *

I’ve always had my theory of why I can’t have my kids too near in age. It is very important to me that my elder kid understands what it means to have a sibling and could take care of herself reasonably well when I need to attend to the younger one. That’s why I chose to have my 2nd kid only 3 years after.

But every coin has 2 sides. I realised that when the kids are further apart in age, they can’t really play well together. Just like this instance – Joey is almost sick of the cooking game, while Baby Jayne does not know a thing about it yet.

I now understand why some of my friends chose to have their kids one after another close together. When they are a mere one year apart, they grow up together and play the same silly games together!

But of course, in reality, there were many other consideration factors, and one major one that deterred me from having my 2nd kid so near to the first one was the fact that I needed to take a breather before I start all over again. Haha! I only planned to have another baby when taking care of Joey became very manageable and comfortable.

I still have some hope though, and I can only bank those hopes on games that are timeless and ageless. Like hide-and-seek, five stones and hopscotch?

I gladly await the day when the 3 girls in the house hide while Daddy looks around for us.. =P


In the meantime, Joey will keep on pretending to be Cooking Mama Joey and Baby Jayne can continue her chewing.