Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mum’s Diary: 3 Achievements Unlocked!

Transiting to Primary One is a big deal for kids. It's the beginning of formal education in Singapore and for many of the kids, it's their first encounter with serious and intensive studying. Apart from the kid feeling the stress and heat, the parents usually get stressed up and nervous as well, especially if it's the first time for them. I started this series to document the chronological order of events, my intimate thoughts and emotions on this journey, and it will continue until Joey settles down in Primary One. Hopefully, as we go along, the posts would become more and more positive and encouraging. I do believe in that. :)

12 Nov 2013

Today, I’ve obtained bragging rights.

Joey came home from school last night and while we were having dinner, she casually mentioned that she got back her Report Book that day. Very casually, she took out her report book to show me and I was stumped when I saw her results. Everything was Band 1, oh my gosh!

Wipe that smirk off your faces. I know as a mom, I ought to be the one who has the most confidence in my girl. But remember this Mum’s Diary post where I lamented on how I ‘forgot’ to revise with her before all her tests? I frankly wasn’t expecting a lot. The good results was a wonderful surprise! Joey was a little amused at how excited hubby and I looked. She had the , ‘What’s the big deal?” look on her face.

The comments written by the Form Teacher in the Report Book were all so positive and encouraging. She said that Joey is a polite student who participates actively in class discussions. She is also a good leader who is very driven. As an avid reader, she had also been nominated several times to be the Top Reader of the month in this year. So proud of Joey! :)

That was Achievement #1.

Then Joey passed us a piece of paper, which was an invitation to the Awards Presentation Ceremony on Friday this week. I was bewildered because Friday is supposed to be a school holiday and only students receiving awards need to be in school, and told Joey so. In her usual nonchalant tone, she went, “Ya, I’m receiving an award!”

“You WHAT???!!!”

“Ya, Teacher said that I am one of those receiving an award so we all have to attend.”

“Oh my goshhhhhhhh Joey!!!! What award is that???”

“Dunno. Teacher says it’s a surprise.”

The Primary One students don’t get awards for results or academic performance, so hubby and I are guessing that it might be Top Reader of the Year award or something. Nevertheless, it’s a great achievement! Achievement #2!

Achievement #3 was really a big surprise! Joey then passed me another letter which was a consent form for her to attend a training for Trainee Prefects, so Joey will be a Trainee Prefect in Primary Two and then officially a prefect in Primary Three! Wooohooooooo! I was really happy because I knew how much Joey wanted to be the Class Monitor, but didn’t get selected. In fact, her Teacher told me before that she was hesitant to choose her to be the Class Monitor because she tends to be bossy some times. She was worried that her bossy-ness would manifest even greater if she becomes a Monitor. So, this time round, it came as a complete surprise that she got nominated to be a Prefect!

In fact, the prep talk started that very evening about how, with greater power comes greater responsibilities, and how a Prefect is to take care of younger students and those who need help. My gut feel tells me that Joey will be such an awesome Prefect and Senior in school! :)

Her Primary One life will be ending in a few days’ time, and it looks like it’s going to end on such a perfect note. I am immensely proud of my girl. :)