Friday, December 13, 2013

The Girl Has Something To Brag About

Life’s unfair like that. I spent all my life trying to learn this skill but failed miserably. But my daughter took a mere few days and she’s made it.

I feel like I’ve lost the right to be tall & mighty in front of her. Now, she can do this something which I cannot. And she makes no effort whatsoever to be discreet about it in front of me. In fact, it’s become something she enjoys doing so much that she’s doing it all the time.

I’m talking about WHISTLING.

Who heard of a 7-year-old who can whistle??

I blame it on the father who’s quite an expert at whistling. So the girl got interested one fine day and tried imitating her dad. I tried to talk her out of it, I really did. I told her how difficult it is to learn whistling and how I failed even after trying intermittently for the last 20 years of my life. But she totally ignored me and just kept practicing it using steps given by her dad. According to him, all we need to do is to put our tongue behind our lower teeth, then form an O shape with our mouth and blow! Seriously, I tried and tried and tried, but all I got was some lame blowing sounds that was definitely not whistling.

The girl just kept doing it until she was finally whistling, and when I heard it for the first time, I could not believe it. I thought it must have been a pure stroke of luck so I made her do it again. And she did.

Who heard of a 7-year-old who can whistle??

I was very jealous.

So, secretly I tried practicing while hiding in my wardrobe or during showers. After many days of futile trying, I conclude it takes an inborn ability to be able to whistle, and I do not have that inborn ability.

The girl whistles all the time now. In fact, she’s so good at it, she’s even whistling songs now. Our only rule for her is that she cannot whistle when we are out of the house. It’s too unbecoming for a 7-year-old to be whistling and my heart cannot take it.


You should see her smug face every time she whistles INFRONT of me. Urgggghh.