Thursday, April 02, 2015

Traveling to Phuket By AirAsia

Sponsored Review

Everyone loves a good holiday. My family is no exception. In the days leading up to any overseas holidays, everyone’s in an exaggerated good mood and constantly high on adrenaline. There is an extra leap in our steps and nobody can stop grinning all day. Look at these excited faces when we arrived at the Changi Airport for our flight to Phuket two weeks ago!


The very first thing we look forward to in every trip is the flights. I know it’s kinda weird, but we really do enjoy flying. Our flights to Phuket was kindly sponsored by AirAsia, and we were met by one of their staff to assist in our checking in. We felt like VIPs! The process was speedy and smooth, and soon enough, all our baggage had been checked in, and we received our boarding passes. I had a quick look at our boarding passes and realised that we were seated at the 3rd row - It was the first time I actually got seats so near to the front! And these seats were not the normal seats – You’ll find out why in a while. :)

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We were all ready to embark on our flight to Phuket!


The 1st 5 rows in an AirAsia A320 aircraft (as well as Rows 12 and 14) are known as Premium Seats. These seats are marked with red seat covers and gave us priority boarding rights. It was great as we didn’t need to queue and we were onboard the aircraft in no time at all. These Premium Seats enjoy extra legroom, so it was perfect for my husband who has very long legs, and is often uncomfortable when we travel on budget airlines.


While waiting for the rest of the passengers to board, we waited comfortably in our seats, looking forward to ……… our in-flight meals! =P

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When booking your AirAsia tickets, pre-book your in-flight meals as well so that you have a wider selection and save! There are so many choices, you’ll definitely find something suitable for your taste buds.


Fret not if you did not manage to include meals during your booking and you are starting to feel a little hungry onboard. Refer to the enticing menu and place your orders when the friendly AirAsia crew comes along. :)


Our meals were delivered right after a very smooth take off and seatbelt signs were off. I was frankly a little surprised how the pilot was able to stabilize the aircraft so quickly after take off. I’ve been on many flights before, and it usually takes much longer to reach that kind of stability. I wish I met the pilot in person – He’s good at his job! (Absolutely godsend for people like me who hates bumpy flights!) Now, back to our food.

The Green Curry Chicken & Basil Fried with Chicken on Rice were for the husband and I. Every meal came with a cup of water as well.


Love how nicely packaged the meals were, with clear and detailed list of ingredients printed.

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They tasted as good as they looked!


The meat was tasty and flavorful, while the jasmine rice was soft and fluffy. Really quite remarkable for in-flight meals if you ask me.

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The kids got kids’ meals – Pasta with sausages, raisins and green peas, with a packet of Milo. I stole a mouthful, and it was very tasty indeed. No wonder they finished everything in no time at all.

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The flight to Phuket was a short two hour ride, and shortly after our meals had been cleared, the pilot announced that we were beginning our descent. The flight was smooth throughout, with no turbulences or any bumpiness for that matter. Love a smooth flight anytime! Sets us right at the start of our family holiday.

We landed in Phuket with big smiles on our faces - Thank you AirAsia, for a wonderful ride as always! :) If you are planning a trip soon, check out AirAsia’s website for good deals now!

P/S: The J Babies was provided with complimentary air tickets, premium seats and inflight meals by AirAsia for purpose of review. No other financial compensation was received and all opinions/photographs in this post are solely mine.