Tuesday, June 30, 2015

We Went Prawning, Heh Heh Heh!

We were still reeling from our recent visit to Telunas Resorts where we fished all day long, so we decided to finally try out prawning when we had a little time before our next appointment at East Coast Park the other day. It was not very eventful, I must say, because we spent most of the time stoning and waiting, but all was forgotten when we FINALLY CAUGHT ONE PRAWN!!!!!

We paid $18 for using one rod for one hour – Pretty expensive, I must say. Chicken liver bits were provided as baits, and we  had the option to top up money for a more expensive bait that could up our chances of getting more prawns. We decided not to go for that since $18 was exorbitant enough!


All ready to start our prawning experience with our nets and rod!



The pond’s very small and a few families gathered around it to do their prawning. I’ve passed by this prawn pond several times before and it was always packed with people on weekends.


And so, all the ‘sian’ faces turned to glee when Papa Isaiah managed to catch a HUGE prawn!


The grand total of that day’s haul was……… 2. And so, our prawns cost us $9 each that day. We brought them home and Grandma boiled it. You bet it tasted extra sweet because we caught them ourselves. =P


East Coast Prawning is open 24 hours by the way, so the next time when you can’t sleep at night, this is one place you can go to. It’s conveniently located right next to East Coast Park’s Burger King.