If you’ve not been hiding in a cave somewhere, I’m sure you would have heard of MERS – Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – by now. It is a viral respiratory disease that belongs to a large family of viruses that affects the respiratory system (lungs and breathing tubes). Even my 6-year-old daughter came back from school and told me all about the disease and how we can all protect ourselves against it. In light of the impending haze and outbreak of respiratory diseases during this hot and dry period, Xepa-Soul Pattinson is running a “I Have the POWER” Face Mask Design Competition, aimed at promoting this community message that everyone – even kids, can play a pivotal role in fighting against allergy, cough and cold.
This campaign aims to promote simple personal hygiene practices such as wearing a face mask when down with cold or cough, avoid sharing of food and wash hands regularly. It is also an excellent opportunity to foster family bonding between parents and the kids while learning about the importance of using face masks. Simply said, this is a fun competition that encourages family bonding, and gives you a chance to win the grand prize of Acer Iconia 8 inch HD LED Tablet (32GB internal storage with 2MP front and rear camera) or 20 free art classes sponsored by Art Speaks Studio!
To participate in the competition, follow the few steps below:
1. Like and share the competition post found on Allergy Cough and Cold Facebook page.
2. Follow the link available on the competition post on Facebook to download the competition photo.
3. Design the mask together with your child and cut out the artwork.
4. Send a picture of the mask, pictures of your child wearing the mask along with the completed entry form to by 31st August 2015
Contest is open to children residing in Singapore of age between 6 to 12. Other terms and conditions apply. For more information on the competition, please visit:
Of course, we had to try designing our masks too! It was too fun an activity to be missed. Just print out the mask from the link above, and start designing away!
My girls love designing and coloring, just like me. It’s super therapeutic!
I may not qualify for the competition, but I colored my mask too. All part of family bonding and fun!
Once you are done with the designing, cut out the masks, punch holes and wear it! Make sure you do a stylo-mylo pose and send in your photo along with your entry to the email address stated in Point 4 above.
This was probably the part that my kids enjoy the most – Getting into character with their masks! Jayne decided to be a purple fairy with green wings, who goes around sharing the importance of wearing masks and keeping hygiene!
So, wait no more. Go download your masks, design and send in your entries ASAP! You might just be the lucky one to walk away with one of the fabulous prizes.
Disclosure: This is a paid advertorial. All photos and opinions stated in this post are mine.