Dear Jayne,
As I’m writing this, you are into your final hour of your first day of school in Primary One. I hope it’s been a fun day so far, and that you’ve made friends with majority of your class. Oh yes, and I hope you did buy something proper to eat during recess time, and not spent all your money on only packet drinks and sweets.
You have the most amazing personality ever, and I guess that’s why I don’t feel worried about you entering Primary School. You are naturally jovial, happy and make friends easily. When you are around, everything just feels a little more chirpy and bright. You are not just the sunshine in Daddy, Mummy and Jie Jie’s life, you also light up the lives of those around you. And I pray with all my heart that you will always stay this way, bringing joy and laughter into the lives of those who are hurting, depressed and in misery.
Today officially marks the day that I become a mom of two Primary School kids. No more expensive preschool education (Hallelujah!) but also a drastic cut in the number of childcare leave I am entitled to from now (sadded). It dawned upon me, all of a sudden, that my kids have grown up and started to carry certain burdens on their shoulders. I wish you and Jie Jie can live carefree forever, but I guess that’s not quite possible where we live in. Still, I pray that you girls will ride on the challenges in life, and stay happy even in the midst of storms.
This morning, you woke up excited and literally with eyes beaming. You looked all ready to conquer the world! I felt such pride when you put on the school uniform and looked really adorable and smart. You finally allowed me to tie up your hair in a ponytail (Yes, it was after I told you that the discipline master might punish you for not tying up your shoulder-length hair, but still…). Actually, the skirt can be shorter so that you look less tut, but I guess it’s alright.
Just a while ago, I didn’t think you looked ready for Primary School at all, but here we are and you looked more ready than ever before. Just as you begin to learn many new things in school and in life, Mummy’s also learning how to let go little by little. I need to trust that you can make the right judgment without me giving you a hint, and I need to believe that you will always stick to the important convictions in life and not waiver no matter what.
The truth is, you will slowly discover that outside of this home where you have been showered with love and forgiveness, life can be tough and unfair out there. But stand strong, my child. Search within yourself that courage and face everything that comes your way with a smile. Just like how you’ve always been in the last 6 years of your life. Have a fun Primary One life, Jayne! Make many, many friends! Work hard and do the best you can! Mummy has always been proud of you, and I will always be.
Love you always and forever,