Monday, April 04, 2016

Relationship Reconnect (Sponsored Post)

While the whole world seems to be more connected nowadays because of advancement in technologies and communication channels, the truth may well be the direct opposite. Comparing 50 years ago and now, we spend a lot lesser time communicating face-to-face with our loved ones and friends now. With the popularization of social media, most of us tend to keep track of each others’ lives via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, and that has kind of replaced quality physical time spent together. It feels like an inevitable change in our lives, but perhaps we should conscientiously set aside time just to reconnect with the people who matter in our lives, without the gadgets in the way. Relationships must be harnessed and cultivated with time and love, so if we want to keep the bonding and warmth in our lives, conscious effort to reconnect from time to time is important and very necessary.

Relationship Final KV Justin & Stephanie

Prudential recently conducted a social experiment – Relationship Reconnect - to encourage Singaporeans to reconnect with each other. In this experiment, different pairs of Singaporeans (husband and wife, siblings, father and daughter, etc) were told to stare at each other for four minutes to foster a deep emotional connection. As a brand that believes in ‘Always Listening, Always Understanding’, Prudential hopes to inspire Singaporeans to evaluate and assess their relationships from time to time, and not let the busyness of life take our focus away from the important things in life. The whole experiment was captured on video and trust me, get ready a box of tissues before you watch this because you’ll be touched to the core by the genuine feelings captured in the video. Personally, it was a timely reminder for me to slow down in my busy schedule and pay attention to my loved ones. Perhaps it’s the same for you as well? :)

I love that last line in the video: Your relationships are important. Protect them.

Disclosure: This post has been presented by Prudential, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.