Monday, July 18, 2016

4 Golden Gadget Rules To Live By

By now, you would have noticed that I am a rather liberal mom.
I don't put a lot of restrictions on my kids in terms of the food they eat, the programmes they watch or the songs they listen to. I subscribe to the notion that everything done in moderation is fine and acceptable, and as long as there are reasonable boundaries put in place, I am cool. When it comes to the use of gadgets, there are 1001 different perspectives. Let me quantify by saying that there is no right or wrong way of doing it. I see many parents who allow their kids to watch the IPAD or play with a mobile phone during mealtimes because that is the only way to get them to eat. On the other end of the spectrum, there are parents who would never allow their kids to touch any gadgets or watch any TV until they are in Primary School at least. Whatever works for your conscience and beliefs, I guess.
To me, TV is not all bad. My kids get to watch TV during the weekdays from 5.30pm to dinner time and then another 30 minutes or so of TV after that before bed. During the weekends, they are free to watch anytime though we are out most of the time. It makes them passive learners, according to experts, but from what I've observed so far, my kids ask and question more than I can take it sometimes, so I guess the research findings don't apply to my household.
When it comes to gadgets, there are certain rules I've laid down, simply because the kids have no self-control whatsoever, if left to their own devices (literally). Rules are important because it gives you the leverage, as a parent, to enforce discipline and mete out punishments if need be. Kids nowadays are so smart at finding loopholes that you'll feel like smacking yourself if you don't lay down ground rules earlier. My 4 golden rules may be useful for your reference. 
1. You can only use your gadget during the weekends.
During the weekdays, gadgets are kept by the adults. Some grace is given when the kids have no homework on Fridays after school and they get to use the gadgets starting from Friday evenings. They get to keep their gadgets from then till Sunday evening when they have to surrender their gadgets again for a week of safekeeping. If you notice - It feels very much like a NSF serving the army. Freedom & liberty comes only during the weekends.
2. You can only use your gadget when you are stationary in one place.
This means that the kids are not allowed to be using their gadgets when they are walking. This is mostly for safety reasons of course. If you think I am not making any sense making up such a rule because it is impossible to be using a phone while walking, you are very wrong. You should come watch my kids' amazing multi-tasking skills.
3. You cannot use your gadget during mealtimes.
The moment food is served onto the table, all gadgets must be kept. I can accept reading while eating but playing with the phone while eating is a no-no. 
4. You can only use your gadget on one full charge per day.
The kids charge their phones fully before we leave the house on Sat and Sun and they can use their phones for the day until the battery is flat. Thereafter, they are not allowed to use the phone anymore. Not that they can, anyway. (Opps sorry darling, it's not me. It's the battery!)

Oh yes, and do not succumb to getting your kids any battery packs. Don't spoil market please.
Bonus tip: Switch off battery saving mode on their phones. You’re welcome.

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