Sunday, December 04, 2016

A Christmas Tree Just Makes Everything Better :)

Product Review

Like many families, we have this tradition of setting up the Christmas tree every year during Christmas. This year, however, the mother-in-law and I decided not to do it because the house was getting more and more crammed up with the girls’ books and everything they own and we felt that setting up the Christmas would just make the living room more cluttered than it is now. Plus, our Christmas tree is a pretty huge one that definitely require several helping hands to set it up properly. In fact, last year when my mother-in-law was trying to set up the tree, she cut herself quite badly on one of the protruding wires, which totally explains her reluctance to set it up this year. The girls were naturally disappointed – They enjoy decorating the tree every year and admiring the pretty lights like most kids.

It was as if God heard their prayers because I got an email from Floral Garage asking me if I would like to review their festive products and I saw their Christmas tree series under their subsidiary Christmas Tree Singapore and thought that since we are not too keen to have a big Christmas tree this year, why don’t we just go for a small one? This Christmas tree I saw on their website is a Arenaria Tree which is only 1.5m tall (shorter than me!) and seems easy and fast to set up. It was just the perfect size for our little living room without making the whole space feel cluttered. The folks at Christmas Tree Singapore were very helpful and got everything we needed delivered just a few days later! Talk about last minute shopping for Christmas trees – Now is still not too late to get yours! (You can shop for their Christmas trees here)

The Christmas tree and decorations were delivered to my house while I was at work, so my little elves got busy and helped to set up the Christmas tree with my mother-in-law. All thanks to them, I got home that day with a beautiful Christmas tree waiting for me!


There is just something magical about Christmas trees, isn’t it? The moment we switched on the colorful fairy lights, the whole living room looked so Christmassy and festive! What were we thinking when we wanted to skip the Christmas tree this year?! The kids adore it of course – They sit in front of the Christmas tree and admire it every single day since it was set up!

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But wait a minute, Christmas is really not just about the Christmas trees, isn’t it? Christmas is often the time when we give gifts to one another and appreciate the love we have received throughout the year. It is also the best time to share the love with those in need. So, Christmas Tree Singapore has taken it upon themselves this year to ‘pay back to the society’ by donating trees and Christmas supplies to the Children's Wishing Well. Through this project, they are helping to support and build meaningful memories for the needy children, so that they too can enjoy this season with their friends. I think that is such a wonderful thing that they are doing – it makes Christmas so much more meaningful than just feasting and celebrating. Perhaps, you can also do something this Christmas to bless those who are in need. :)


So, if you have not gotten a Christmas tree in your house, hop by to Christmas Tree Singapore now to check out what they can offer. Prices are really, really affordable and you can have everything delivered to your doorstep. Thank you for making my kids so happy this year! :)

Disclosure: The J Babies was sponsored a Christmas tree with decorations and lights for purpose of this review. Part of the decorations featured in the photos are our own.