Thursday, May 04, 2017

3 Things I Love About Canon Powershot G9X

Product Review

I don’t think I need to talk about how important a camera is to me. In fact, this very blog was spurred off by the many photos I took when I was 6 months into my first pregnancy. I wanted to share my excitement as a mom-to-be then, and along the way, my photographs have been vital in sharing my motherhood journey so far. A picture paints a thousand words – It’s true and not a cliche!

And so, Canon handed me their Powershot G9X to try, and since I have always been a Canon fan, I was glad to do so. Except, I wasn’t sure if I can get used to the camera, since my current & previous cameras were both rather big and heavy. After trying the camera for a month or so, I must say, I was pretty impressed in several ways. Now, I look at my old bulky camera and wonder what I’m going to do with it. =P I have to quantify though – I am not a professional photographer, so don’t expect me to mention anything too technical in this post. I am merely coming from an angle of a mom who loves to take photographs of my kids, as well as the food that I eat everyday (I’m sure you can tell that from my instagram feed, LOL) 

Sharing 3 reasons today, why I love the Canon Powershot G9X:

1. It Fits Right Into My Palm

Mind you, standing at only 157cm, I have rather small palms, but the Canon Powershot G9X fits snuggly in. That gives me the grip that I need for clear and sharp photos. Because of its size, it’s lightweight and I can carry it around with me daily without feeling the burden.


I’ve always had this soft spot for light brown leather, so this camera’s design is right up my alley. I can almost sense the pros rolling their eyes at this statement of mine, but hey, aesthetics is very important you know? =P Especially for a gadget I carry with me and use every day.

2. Perfect Photos Every Single Time

Now, this is probably the reason that got me. I love photographs that are vibrant and colourful and the Canon G9X does it so well in this aspect. Every smile is captured so brightly, and every object in my photo so crisp & clear – I LOVE IT!

I thought I should show you the unfiltered and unedited photographs straight from the camera, so you can see the real potential of this camera. Post-production methods are always available to make a photograph better, but nobody ever says No to a camera that produces awesome raw shots.

Some shots taken during a recent family celebration for Joey’s birthday. See how natural the shots turned out? Natural is the best when taking kids’ shots.


And see how the bokeh comes into play for this particular shot when I focused on Jayne’s smile? Done perfectly. And may I remind you, no edits done at all - This is a perfect raw shot that requires no editing.


When there is abundant sunlight, the shots turn out even better of course. You can be sure that every photo will turn out vibrant and beautiful.


Do not fret even if light is not on your side. This is a shot taken in low light conditions – It was a gloomy and cloudy evening, and the sky was starting to get dark. You can see that the capture is still pretty sharp – I didn’t fiddle with the ISO or other settings and this was shot on Auto mode. I know many of you reading this are Auto-mode shooters just like me, so rest assured, this is the minimum quality you will get just by pointing and shooting. If you know how to adjust the ISO settings, you will get even better photos! Notice that it even looks like a wide lens shot? Pretty awesome, I say.


So, how does the camera fare when it comes to taking food photos? Competent as well, of course!

The bokeh in the background is just perfectly done automatically, with a focus in the foreground of the food. Makes everything look super appetizing, don’t you think?


Or you can shoot from the top for a crisp and sharp capture:


3. In-Camera Wifi Makes Transfer Fast & Easy

As a self-confessed Instagram fanatic, the in-camera wifi function of the camera allows me to transfer the photos to my phone in seconds so that I can post high-quality photos on my Instagram feed every time. Nothing upsets me more than having to post a blur photo on my Instagram because it was the only one I had. Sad to say, my phone camera cannot do a good job when it comes to taking photos, so ever since I got my hands on the Canon Powershot G9X, I have only been taking photos on the camera and transferring it over to my phone for posting on Instagram. All I needed to do was to download the Camera Connect app, and connect accordingly when I need to transfer the photos.


Featuring some of my favourite shots on Instagram using photos taken on the Canon G9X!




So, if you are thinking of buying a new camera that is lightweight, easy to operate and get great shots every single time, consider the Canon Powershot G9X! I know I like the camera ALOT, ALOT! =)

Disclosure: The Canon Powershot G9X is on loan to The J Babies for a period of time for review purposes. All opinions and photos used in this post are solely ours.