Friday, May 19, 2017

NDP 2017 Special: #OneNationTogether

Media Coverage

Some of you may not know this, but I am not born in Singapore. I was born in Malaysia and lived there for about three years before I came to Singapore with my parents. But I am a true blue Singaporean in every sense of the word because I grew up and lived my entire life here the last 30 over years, and am really proud to be called a Singaporean. There are many things I love about Singapore and when it comes to the month of August every year, I celebrate the victories and unity of our nation on National Day with great pride and joy. So far, I’ve only made it to the National Day Parade live once when my kids were still little, but that experience was so wonderful that I still reminiscence it every now and then. Yup, that’s Jayne enjoying herself on that day 7 years ago!


If you’ve been to any of the National Day parades before, you know what I’m talking about – The emotions, pride and joy you feel as a Singaporean at a NDP is indescribable and nothing quite like watching it on the TV – I say every Singaporean should attend the NDP live at least once in their lifetime! Obviously, I’m not the only one who thinks that way – The balloting for the tickets is hot every year! (Don’t say I bojio: Balloting starts next week!!!!)

In less than three months’ time, we will be celebrating our nation’s 52nd birthday once again, and this year’s NDP will be back at the Floating Platform. Can’t wait to dress up all in red and have a wonderful celebration with fellow Singaporeans on that day!!

Credit: NDP 2017 Organizing Committee  

At the first NDP 2017 media conference which happened yesterday, the theme, logo and song were revealed!

THEME – #OneNationTogether

#OneNationTogether is the theme for NDP 2017 and I think that is so apt for a nation like ours. We have also prided ourselves to be a country with great racial and religious harmony, where people from all walks of life, beliefs and backgrounds can dwell happily together with no conflicts. On National Day, this is certainly a uniqueness that we can celebrate together. The future may be full of challenges and uncertainties, but when a nation unites together and puts aside all our differences, there is really nothing we cannot overcome together. I believe that Singapore has a bright future and every Singaporean has a part to play in that. :)

Interestingly, the hash symbol (#) has been incorporated into the NDP theme for the very first time. Not only is this encouraging Singaporeans to display their love for the nation on social media platforms, the hash symbol is also symbolic of home because most Singaporean home addresses have this symbol. Did you know that Singapore is the only country in the world that uses the hash symbol in our addresses?  This is truly #uniquelySingapore.=D

LOGO – Interlocking Hands


This year’s NDP logo features four hands clasped and interlocked with each other in unity. The logo is inspired by the iconic image on Singapore’s first ten dollar Orchid series note launched in 1967.


The intertwined hands symbolise Singaporeans from all walks of life setting aside their differences, and coming together with the conviction of building a better Singapore of tomorrow. It also reflects the important role that racial harmony has played in our 52 years of nation building. Red is the primary colour of the logo, reflecting our celebratory mood as we commemorate Singapore’s 52nd year of independence. It also represents the unwavering determination and passion of our people. The white in the logo symbolises the everlasting purity and virtue of our nation. The image of our island, nestled in the centre of the four hands, represents the special place that Singapore will hold in the hearts of all Singaporeans.

Credit: NDP 2017 Organizing Committee  

Theme Song – “Because It’s Singapore!”

I look forward to the unveiling of the theme song for NDP every year. While I love many of the previous theme songs that I grew up singing such as “Count On Me, Singapore” and “Stand Up For Singapore”, the newer theme songs always surprise me with their lovely melodies and meaningful lyrics. This year is no exception – “Because It’s Singapore” is jointly produced by Jay Lim (singer and lyricist) and Lee Wei Song (composer), and they hope to touch the hearts of fellow Singaporeans through the joy of music that is simple and moving.

Credit: NDP 2017 Organizing Committee  

Enjoy the song performed live at the media conference yesterday!

Title: Because It’s Singapore
Music and Lyrics by Jay Lim

Step by Step
Together we’ll build our dreams
Heart to heart
Together we’ll stay as one nation, undivided
Back to back Together we’ll brave the heat, the cold, the storms
Hand in hand Together we’ll grow this land that we call home

Nothing in this world compares
It’s our Singaporean Life
Everyone is family, friend and neighbour
Living in harmony

Nothing in this world compares
To this island where it’s home
Where we love and know we’ll never be alone
Because it’s Singapore (Just Believe)
This is Singapore (We Can Be)
Our Singapore (The world will see)
We are Singapore

Send Your Wishes For Singapore!

Want to send in your wishes for Singapore’s 52nd birthday? You are invited to tag your photos, well-wishes, reflections or stories on your personal social media platforms and/or NDP social platforms such as Facebook (, Instagram (@ndpeeps_2017) and Twitter(@NDPeeps), with the following hashtags: #OneNationTogether, #NDP2017, #NDP17, #SG52. The hash-tagged photos, well-wishes, reflections or stories will be compiled and published on the official NDP website ( :)


Stay tuned for more updates on NDP2017 that will be progressively revealed as we draw near to the celebration event in August, and I have some special giveaways coming up in my next few posts too! =D

Disclosure: This is part of a series of publicity posts done in collaboration with the NDP2017 Organizing Committee.