Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Juice Cleanse With Antidote (Review & Giveaway + Discount Code!)

Product Review

Juice cleanse periodically does wonders to both my body and my soul. :) Especially when these juices from Antidote taste so good.


Some people have this misconception that juice cleansing is a torture, but in actual fact, having done this cleansing routine twice (You can read about my first experience here) and coupled with the fact that I am such a food-lover, I can tell you assuredly that it’s actually not so bad. In fact, I felt a lot cleaner and more alert during my juice cleansing. My digestive system has not been too good in recent years (must have something to do with old age!), so I often felt bloated. A periodic juice cleanse helps me to get my body back into good rhythm again and I become happier as a person because of that too!

So, since my last juice detox programme with Antidote, they have come up with new and improved juices and flavors, so I embarked on another three-day juice cleansing with them this time round. I have to agree that the juices taste even  better now, and right after my first day of juice cleansing, I could already feel the effects in my body – Toxins were purged, and I felt lighter as well.


For those of you unfamiliar with juice cleansing or detox, it’s actually a very easy thing to do. If you have the perseverance, you can go on total juice cleansing – Meaning no food at all and just replace all your meals with juices, or you can supplement the cleansing with clean and light meals or small snacks of nuts, fruits etc. There is really no hard and fast rule about it – I personally feel it’s all about balance and your personal threshold. I’ve got friends who are very vigilant about it, and will go 3 or 5 days completely without food. The juices contains nutrients, vitamins and proteins that can sustain you, no worries. But there are others (like me) who cannot survive for days without biting something solid, so I had light meals in between. It is really up to you!

Antidote juices and nutmylks focus on a huge variety of fresh green vegetables, root vegetables, nutritious fruits and organic SuperFoods meticulously crafted and combined to ensure that you are receiving an immense amount of nutrition from every bottle. You can choose from different sets to achieve your desired goals – Some people juice cleanse for health reasons, while others use it as a means to slim down. The last round of juice cleansing I did, I lost 2kg in a matter of days – Slimming while cleansing is kinda win-win, don’t you agree? =P Hop over to see which cleansing programme suits you best.


For me, I took on the 3-day Skinny Cleanse. Everyday, I have 5 bottles of juices and 1 bottle of milk. The Skinny Cleanse is a light cleanse with low-calorie juices and ingredients that aid in fat-burning and increasing the rate of your metabolism from within. I like it that the juices contain potent fat-burning ingredients such as Cayenne pepper, grapefruit and ginger root, which made the juices so refreshing!


Every bottle of juice is labelled, so that you know which bottle to drink next. This was my bottle #1 for the first day!



Tried Spicy Tonic for the first time and I LOVED IT! It was slightly spicy, tangy and very refreshing. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.


If you are a newbie to juice cleansing, I would recommend that you go for three-day cleanse to try it out first. Subsequently, you can opt for longer durations if you like it! =D To get started on your juice cleansing, check out Antidote’s website or contact them directly:

Whatsapp Helpline (Text only): +65 8571 6420
Address (Self-Collect 5.30-6.30pm): 11 Sin Ming Road, Thomson V Two, B03-09, Unit 10
Delivery: SGD20 (Free delivery for month of October!)
Email: hello@antidote.sg


Antidote has kindly extended a 10% discount code for all of you! Just quote “mummykless” upon checkout to enjoy your discounts! Best time to order your juices now! =D


I have one 6-pack juice cleanse trial to give away to ONE reader of The J Babies, so if you are interested to win it for yourself, please participate via Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway