Thursday, January 09, 2020

Great Results From CoolSculpting with Halley Body Slimming Clinic

And so, it’s been about 2 months since my first CoolSculpting session with Halley Body Slimming Clinic in October, and I went back for a review last month and to continue the second phase of my treatment. Quite frankly, I didn’t know what to expect for the review because even though some clothes felt looser at my waistline, I was feasting most of the time because of the festive season and I didn’t dare to weigh myself in the interim. =X So, when I saw the results during the review, I was elated!

What CoolSculpting basically do is to freeze and destroy unwanted fat cells, which are then disposed from the body naturally. The treatment removes 20-25% of the fat cells in the treated area each time, and those fats are removed permanently. Because our bodies do not produce new fat cells after the age of five, the disposed fats are really gone forever. You can read the details from my first treatment here. So, what do the results look like?

Results From CoolSculpting

The review showed that my waist circumference reduced by 4.5cm from 84.5cm to 80cm, and percentage of body fat reduced by 2.3% from 35.9% to 33.6%. How awesome is that?! If you take a look at the following photo comparisons, the results are quite obvious!

                                     Before CoolSculpting                                                        After CoolSculpting

Quite frankly, I am personally not so concerned about my weight – I am more concerned about how to look nicer in my clothes with a better figure. The saddest thing to me was losing my waistline! I want to get my waistline back and I think I am progressing well towards my goal with CoolSculpting! *happy dance*

A second treatment was then arranged to further optimise the results attained. There are still many areas especially the love handles and abdomen area that need help! So a second CoolSculpting session was planned and I seriously cannot wait to see the final results after 3 months!

To prepare for the treatment, Dr. Terence Tan first used the CoolAdvantage templates to mark out the areas that required treatment. The clinic assistant then applied gel pads onto the treatment area to protect the skin during treatment. This 12-applicator session took 7 hr to complete compared to the 12 hr it would have taken if the legacy applicators were used. That’s definitely good news for someone impatient like me!

After each treatment cycle, the clinic assistant removed the applicator and massaged the treated area. This helps to speed up the break down of the crystallized dead fat cells, which will be passed out by the body naturally. To be honest, this is the only part of the treatment I don't look forward to, because even though the treatment areas were numb, it was uncomfortable when the clinic assistant massaged really hard. Yet, this is an absolutely necessary part of the process. No pain, no gain though – The better the fat cells are broken down, the faster they can be disposed from the body naturally.

The whole treatment was mostly comfortable even though it took many hours, and the clinic assistant tried to make the whole process as comfortable for me as possible. I’m so thankful for that!

Can’t wait to show you guys what the final results are. It takes about 3 months for the whole process to be completed, so stay tuned and I’ll be back to give a final report after my final review! =D

Halley Body Slimming Clinic
277 Orchard Road
orchardgateway #03-16
Singapore 238858
T: 6246 8806 | F: 6246 8807