Monday, March 03, 2008

It Has Happened….

It has finally happened.

Joey's down with fake measles. And that explains why she has had 3 days of very high fever, and the moment her fever subsided last night, the rashes appeared all over her body & face this morning. Doc says the measles will subside after 3 days.

Well, I should thank God that it's nothing more serious than fake measles. Still got to monitor closely though, cos Doc says if the fever comes back these few days, it could be dengue fever instead and we would have to bring her for blood test. So pray hard that it's just fake measles. Oh God...

Anyway, brought her to see the Doc, and she said something funny. There was this model on display showing the tissues under our skin. Joey saw it, pointed to it and said, 'Cake! I want to mum mum...' wahahahaha... Maybe I can consider ordering such a cake for her 2nd birthday. (ekks)

Look how tall is Joey now! She's almost nearing 100cm! That's one metre! One whole metre! Oh gosh..

Please pray for Joey, won't ya? =)

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