Thursday, March 06, 2008

R & R

Not Rest & Relax, but Recovered & Resting.

Seems like Joey's fake measles is a mild case, cos her rashes disappeared yesterday. But to play safe, I kept her at home today too. Later going to the doc's to get a letter to certify that she is fully recovered so that I can bring her back to office nursery tomorrow. It's contagious among kids, so got to be extra careful.

Joey has been extra sleepy the past few days. She can take 2 afternoon naps without putting up a fight and each nap can last for 2 to 3 hours. Think she is recuperating all her strength from the bouts of fever and rashes. Thank God she is recovering well, and her appetite and activeness did not drop at all throughout the whole 'ordeal'.

It's funny, but she has crossed the stage where she hates the cot and the stroller. Now, she is back to the stage where she will ask us to put her into the cot and let her sit in her stroller when we bring her out. Her cot is now nothing more than a place to store her toys.

My colleague Serene introduced me to this snack for kids last Sunday - Fujiya Peko Poko Chocolate, and Joey seemed to like it. I think this is 小丸子 right? So for a special 'recovered' treat, I bought it for Joey again. It really tastes quite good. Mummies usually only get to eat the small piece in the centre. The kid gets both the chocolate lollies. =)

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