Saturday, April 12, 2008

About Doggies & Durians

Joey has a special liking for doggies. Whenever we see a dog outside, she would keep staring at the dog and would want to go near and touch it (Most of the time, she dare not though). And when my parents bring her to a Pet Safari shop, she loves to watch the doggies being bathed & hair-trimmed.

And so, u can imagine the toy doggy that my BIL gave to her immediately became her favorite 'baby'. It helps that the doggy is so responsive. It will bark to get your attention, then when you pat its head slowly, it will turn into a whine and then it will fall asleep with snoring. You leave the doggy aside for a while and it will bark again to tell you it has woken up after about 5 to 10 minutes. An amazingly interactive toy. Heehee..

Watching TV and the doggy's by her side.

The doggy even comes with its own 'nest' and Joey can bring it out if she wants to.

Talking about Durians now, I remember I gave Joey some durians when she was still young, and she likes it. Now, she no longer does.

That day, we went out dinner with my parents at Geylang and decided to have some durians after that. Joey looked at the King of Fruits and shook her head. *sigh. so wasted*

Maybe I should just be thankful that she did not run away from the smell at least.

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