Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Think God Reads My Blog

waahahahaha.. that was meant to catch your attention!

The truth is, after I blogged about my emotional wreak, I received some private messages from other mums out there who feels the same way, and after reading their experiences, I kinda feel better about my own situation. Haha..

And it's just been so amazing. Just a couple of days ago, Pst Audrey was just sharing with some of us over lunch, what her daily schedule is like, and after hearing, I was practically dumbfounded. It really puts me into perspective about my own life. I realised that I have just been a whiny wife & mother who keeps thinking that my life is so miserable and pitiful and that I have been sacrificing so much.

There are millions of mothers out there who are doing the same things as me, and I'm quite sure, 90% of them are doing alot more than me, and are not complaining about it.

It made me realise an important truth.

Self-pity comes when all I see is my own situation.

It's true, isn't it? When I feel trapped in my own situation, and all I could see and focus on were my own problems and difficulties, I become so narrow-minded in thinking that I am possibly the only one who has it so tough. What I choose to see of other people's situation are only the good things. Subconsciously, I would choose to ignore the problems and difficulties that other people are facing because my natural instinct is not to add on to what burdens I already am carrying. And that is the reason why other people always seem more fortunate and less miserable than I am. (I know it's a bunch of long sentences, but I hope you know what I'm trying to say.)

And so, when I hear about the lives of other , especially those who are in the same situation as me, a working mum with kids, I realise that God has given us the strength to sustain us through and He will continue to do so. When I see how other mothers are also moving on every single day with enthusiasm and faith that things will work out fine, I know I can also do it. And that gives me the courage to believe and carry on believing.

So I say, God is amazing. He uses things like that to sustain me. Thank you Lord for being so faithful to me. =)

I am called to be a mother and I will fulfill my calling well with joy!

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