Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kill The Worms!!!

Okay, I don't really know what these worms are called in medical terms, but I am quite sure most of you would know what worms I am referring to.

Apparently, it's very common and normal for kids between the age of 1 to 7 to have worms in their stomach. Usually these worms will be purged out of their bodies in the stools, and they are really quite harmless.

I remember that I saw some of these worms before in my growing up years, and I for sure, DO NOT hope to see it again. But my MIL's friends have been telling her that it's important to feed Joey the worms medication so that in case there are such worms in her stomach, they can be purged out. Apparently, just need to take the medication 3 to 4 times and it's all cleared forever and forever.

And so, for the 1st time, we fed Joey the medication this morning. Today's stools still look normal, but I am so scared that if there are really worms in her stomach, they will come out in the stools tomorrow.. ekkkkss, the thought of it makes me shudder..

You see, we have cause to worry for Joey, cos she NEVER seems to get full. She eats and eats and eats ALL THE TIME. When we are at home, she would ask for a biscuit, then a nougat, then another biscuit, then a chocolate, then milk milk, then cheese... you get the point.. And this 'never-seems-to-get-full' symptom is one of the symptoms for worms in the stomach.

Anyway, please pray for me.. the next few days of 'stools watching and monitoring' would be very exciting for me...

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