Saturday, April 12, 2008

Making More Sense Now

Joey makes alot more sense now in her speech. Instead of just single words, she can now string words together to form a sentence or a brief of what she's trying to say.

For example, she knew how to say words like, 'I want', 'Nai nai' (grandma), 'Bao bao' (carry), and instead of just saying 'Bao bao', she will now say, 'I want nai nai bao bao'. And when she doesn't want something, she would say, "I don't want taxi. I want Gong Gong come", or 'Playground not wet wet already. Play'. Get what I mean? Haha.. it's quite fun to see how my daughter is learning to string words together, and making alot more sense now than ever.

Of course, she doesn't know how to use proper connecting words like 'to', 'and' now, but I am sure she will soon know how to. No hurry, of course.

My only worry is how she has grown up to be a singlish expert. Sigh, no choice, since her parents can't help speaking singlish most of the time too. In her 'sentences', she would mix chinese and english, depending on which words she's using. For example, she would go, "I don't want 睡觉", "This one 辣辣."... you get what I mean..

And of course, there are emotion words that she's picked up too, such as 'Go away!!', 'Throw away!!', 'Off!'.. and she'd be full of rage when she says them... hahahaha.. very cute indeed..

Her curosity for words pick up too. Everything she sees and reads, she would point to different things and go, 'What's this?' When you say it for her, and it sounds easy enough to repeat after you, she would do so. Otherwise, she moves on to pointing at other things.

Automobiles seem to be the easiest to teach her after numbers, and she's quite familiar with cars, bus, taxi, motorcycle, van... so I am starting on colours now with her. So far, the only colour she can pinpoint correct is.... PINK.

Hahaha.. hardly surprising huh? kekekeke..

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