Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Land Of Smiles: Day 1

It was probably the first time in Joey's life that I woke her up in the morning.

Our flight was 645am and we had to reach the airport by 430am. Woke up Baby at 330am and she actually lazed around for a while before really waking up. I was just amused by watching her, cos I have NEVER seen her laze in bed before. The moment she opens her eye in the morning, she scrambles off the bed to the living room faster than I could say Amen.

Cleared immigration!

Early in the morning and she was already hyper!

The funny thing was she actually sat there for a good 5 minutes, just watching the news. Haha..

Here's our gate..

Her 1st time in an aircraft

I was actually quite worried about how she would behave in the plane. Afterall, it's confined space and having a seat of her own meant that she had to be belted in her own seat during take off and landing. Thank God, really that she was very cooperative and willing to be belted up. The best part was that for most of the plane ride, she was asleep! Can't help but shout a loud, "Hallelujah!!!"

When she woke up, I gave her the first item on my 'Bring-a-hyper-baby-overseas' survival kit - Biscuit with Chocolate dip!

Turned out I only used this one item in my survival kit throughout the trip!! Good girl!

The beautiful sky outside the plane.. =D

Reached Bangkok in 2 hours!

This is our hotel ~ Century Park Hotel!

We were really happy with our hotel! The place was nice and clean and the staff were very nice & pleasant. A great experience, I must say! And I will go back to this hotel again the next time I am back in Bangok!

Thailand, besides being a Land of Smiles, is also a Land of Colours! I absolutely love how colours are generously used everywhere! Their taxis come in super cute colours of bright pink, green, yellow, orange and purples!

Passed by a shop that sells motorcycles and I adore their bright colours!

This is their famous transportation - Tut Tut!

We brought Joey's stroller over to Bangkok and though she didn't want to sit in it most of the time, at least she could sleep in it when she was tired.

Check out this red lantern basket thing on the table

Ta-da! It's a cover for the different sauces & codiments

Our first lunch at Bangkok!

Ordinary fish ball soup kway tiao but super tasty especially with chili flakes

After lunch, we went back to the hotel to do check-in and then off we went to MBK Shopping Centre. Just an ordinary shopping place much like our Far East Plaza, so no photos! Heee... At night, we went to our first night market ~ Khao San Market!

This is one of our favorite night markets because of the atmosphere in that place. It's a very popular place among westerner backpackers (in fact it's also called Backpackers' Paradise).

There are lots of vendors along the roadside doing henna, hair weaving, hair extension etc, and many people are eating seafood & drinking beer and listening to loud music. There are also lots of pushcarts selling pad thai (Thailand's famous & most staple food).

This is the pushcart we bought our pad thai from..

Check this out..

Model Serene showing you our pad thai!

We also bought kebabs from this stall... Not as nice as the ones I ate during my first trip to Bangkok last year. But hey, it's still cool to be eating kebab and strolling such a happening street! =D

Model Serene showing another dish... Some roti prata thing wrapped with bananas and drizzled with condensed milk...

I didn't really buy anything at this night market except for food.. =) Anyway, it was our first night in Bangkok and we were enjoying every minute of it!

~ To be continued ~

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