Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Land Of Smiles: Day 3

Day 3 begun with a trip to Chatuchak Weekend Market.

This is a place where you shop till you drop. The whole place is not only packed with tourists, but also with lots of locals. It's only open 10am-6pm on Sat & Sun, and the place is mega huge with different sections selling clothes, home furnishings, pets, food etc. We almost spent the whole day there but only managed to cover 2 sections! I think there are at least 50+ sections in the whole place. =P

I love how colours are splashed all over the place here!

Fried quail eggs.. Super small & cute!

Skewers of all sorts of stuffs

Sliced fruits!

The Chatuchak Market is really a very stuffy & warm place, especially the inside aisles. And so, my MIL brought Joey back to the hotel after 2 hours there. Too hot for Joey! =P

The rest of us? Continued shopping.... =P

It's good for Joey to go back to the hotel too. She had a good nap!

At night, we went to the new shopping mall in Bangkok - Central Mall. Much like our Paragon, with lots of branded shops everywhere!

That wraps up our 3rd day in Bangkok!

~ To be continued ~

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