Sunday, July 27, 2008

Finally. With a big F.

My Joey finally stayed in playgroup all by herself at service today!!!!

(Please give her a round of applause!)

Well, it didn't go all that smoothly of course. I left her at the playgroup before the service, said our goodbyes and hi-fives, and she was actually quite willing to let me go. The teacher told me later that she was happily playing with the toys at the beginning, till she remembered about me and cried asking for me. The teacher managed to distract her by letting her play with the laptop. Then later she started to cry again and so a teacher brought her out to let her eat some cakes.

It could have been a perfect try if not for what happened at the end. Haha.. I went to look for her after the service, and when I reached the playgroup, she was nowhere to be found! I asked for her inside the room, and one of the teachers told me she was eating cake outside. When I went outside the room, a teacher told me she brought her inside the room already. Turned out.... SHE WAS MISSING.

I was quite calm, I think, for a mother who just found her child missing. The whole place was filled with people because service just ended and there were many parents fetching their kids, so it was really very difficult to spot her anywhere. The teachers literally panicked! And they started to search for her frantically everywhere. Turned out, she had sneaked out of the room and walked all the way to the nursery side!! Thank God one of the nursery helpers spotted her and was talking to her. And so, I finally found my Joey. The teachers kept apologising profusely. Haha.. looks like my fears of leaving Joey alone in the playgroup did happen afterall.

Still, I think it's already a vast improvement for my darling, who used to break into tears the moment I leave her in the nursery or playgroup. I do feel abit pai sei for putting the teachers at such stress, cos they really have very few teachers taking care of so many kids. But somehow I got to start somewhere, otherwise I'll never get back to service!

And so, you can imagine, I had a great time at service today, soaking in the presence of God and listening to the preaching! =D *happy*

After service, I took some photos of Joey and they really make me laugh! She looks super happy la!

And this! This gotta be my most favorite photo of Joey & Papa so far! I can't help but smile whenever I see this photo!

And finally, this one. How can anyone laugh until like this??

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