Monday, July 28, 2008

It Would Be Nice If…..

................ my Joey can play the piano someday!!!

As many of you know, I love playing the piano. So it should not come as a surprise to you that I would want Joey to learn the piano. In my opinion, it's one of the most basic musical instruments and not only cutivates one's ability to read scores and pick up other musical instruments faster, it also helps the kid to develop an appreciation for music. A good thing!

Today we went over to JB to her grandaunt's place, and she was banging on the piano and singing along!

Got the 'sei', right? =D

I don't think I am a typical kiasu parent, and I for sure will not force my kid to learn a thousand and one things. What I will do is to expose her to many different things like different instruments, dances, sports, hobbies, and she can decide what she wants to learn. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will definitely pick piano as one of those things. Don't worry, it's not going to start so soon, though kids can generally start learning piano at 2 years old. I think I want her to enjoy a little of her childhood first. Haha.. And since she's already starting school next year, we can take it one step at a time.

Oh suddenly remembered my dear mummy friend Dawn asked me the other day whether I am interested to let Joey learn swimming. The one her daughter goes to is quite good and they also offer lessons near where I stay. Well, we'll take it slow first.. =P

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