Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Told You So!

That's why, we should NEVER procrastinate. Once we procrastinate, we may NEVER have a chance to do what we intended to do in the first place!

My father-in-law brought home a colourful parrot one fine day because Joey likes to watch birds. It was really one lovely pretty parrot with all the colours of the rainbow (ok maybe not ALL, but SOME).

Something (or someone) has been telling me to take photo of the parrot and blog about it, since it's Joey's pet. But procrastination and forgetfulness kept getting in the way. It's been 2 weeks since Mr Parrot became a part of our family, but I have yet to take a photo of him.

Guess what?


Yes I know how ridiculous this sounds, but according to my mother in law and Joey who were at home at time of crime, it simply opened the door with its beak and took off! Just like that! Without a trace of gratefulness for whatever amount of sunflower seeds it's eaten in the past 2 weeks. Hmmphh!!!

My CG members would have met Mr Parrot last Friday and can testify how pretty he looks. I tried to find a picture on the internet who resembles him, so try to imagine, he's something like this:

If you happen to see him galivanting somewhere, please tell him to return home ASAP.

Joey sounded teary when she told me about it on the phone. But then, she was probably more upset about the loss of a bird, rather than the loss of THAT bird. She ended the conversation by telling me,



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