Monday, July 21, 2008

It’s Been So Long…..

....... since I bought a NEW BENTO BOX!!!!


It happened when I least expected it. I just finished buying some groceries and passed by this shop that sells alot of this and that, and I thought, why not go in and take a look, maybe I will find a new bento box? Haha, don't ask me why, because I haven't had that thought for the longest time!

This new box of mine is so good!!!

The exterior is cute enough...

And it has a oh-my-gosh interior!!!

Look at all the different compartments! Perfect for rice, main dish, side dishes and a fruit/snack! Super perfect!!!

Sure, it does not cost as cheap as Daiso. Yet, it's only selling at $3.90, and I'd say since it's the size of 2 bento boxes from Daiso, it's actually $0.10 cheaper. Haha...

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