Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mr Sausage Bento

Today's bento turned out to be very 'yellow'. Most of the items are either yellow or in the family of yellows. :)

The whole bento

The first tier is a chicken with broccoli & mushroom soup which is nothing interesting to see. The 2nd tier is where Mr Sausage is. :)

3 heart-shaped onigiris, 2 egg stars (I steamed the egg using 2 star moulds.. heee), and Mr Sausage. The eyes and mouths are cut-out cheese.

Most bento-makers will use nori (seaweed sheet) to cut out the eyes & mouths using some puncher, but since Joey doesn't like to eat nori, I used cheese instead. But the outcome is of course not so good cos cheese breaks very easily. This is the best I could manage. =P But I am sure I will get better with practice.

To complete the meal is some diced golden kiwi in a separate container!

Noticed the cute flag picks and fork? They're my new finds at Daiso.. =D

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