Saturday, August 23, 2008

Frozen Fruit Treats

All parents become concerned if their kids don't do the 'big business' for 1 or 2 days, simply because that means harmful toxic is building up in the kid's body and it will make the kid feel very bloated & uncomfortable.

Joey generally has very regular bowel movements but when there are times she doesn't visit the toilet, I got to think of ways to get her to eat more fibre. The problem is she doesn't really fancy fruits (like her mummy!), so I thought of a way to make her eat her fruits.

Funny thing about kids is that they love cold stuffs! It's a trade-off, but I'd rather she gets her fibre. So I froze some mashed-up kiwi and she heartily ate it up! Even though she'd never touch kiwi in its 'natural' form.

The mashed up kiwi fruit

Then I pour the mashed up stuff into little containers and froze them.

My girl likes it! All things icy she loves la! Fruit or whatever!

Although green kiwi fruit is high in Vitamin C, it's still a tad too sour for kids. So i'd recommend using apples, pears, golden kiwi, etc. If your kid has got bowel difficulties, try this too! It helps!

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