Monday, September 22, 2008

Longkang Fishing!

Brought Joey to longkang fish this morning! It's at this place in Khatib called BottleTree Park, and there's a small pond for kids below 12 years old to fish longkang fishes.. :) It's a Monday, so u can imagine the whole pond belonged to Joey..

For 10 bucks, the kid gets a small net and a small tank. Any fishes caught can be brought home as souvenirs... Look at Joey all ready to start her fishing!!!

Well, if you are thinking of bringing your kid there, you cannot be too particular about hygiene. You can imagine your kid stepping into a pond full of moss (the pond is washed & scrubbed every wednesday but it still gets dirty easily cos of all the fishes). My MIL is a cleanliness freak and for the entire fishing process, she kept going, 'erkkks... i think quickly bring her out le lah.. ' Hahahahha... I think the pond's cleanliness freaked her out a little.

For me, it's really quite ok.. the pond is quite clean, I think.. but of course, there're still residue of fish shit etc, which of course is expected la...

The net that the uncle gave us is really small... even I had a hard time catching the fishes! They swim super fast!!!

Joey could't catch any fish with the net, so she decided to use her hands!!! Hahaha (freaked my MIL out even more. wahahahahaha.. I'm cool.. I'm cool...)

My girl is really daring, I must say. She has no fear in grabbing the fishes but because they are so slimy & slippery, they slip out of her hands the moment she catches them. Haha...

Then the smart girl decided that it's faster to use the fish tank to catch the fishes! Hahaha...

And finally, with my help, she managed to bring some lovely longkang fishes home. Heeee...

Joey had loads of fun that we had a very hard time dragging her out of the pond to clean her up! Gosh.. think we might go back again.. heee..

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